Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Homework Links:
Year 4 Homework
All children will get spellings and times tables to learn for weekly tests. Children can visit Spelling City to practise their weekly spellings.
Children have a home reading book that they should enjoy reading every night. Ask your child about their top tips for tricky words, fluency, expression and punctuation. Encourage them to follow these tips as they read!
These things act as the core homework.
If children wish to complete additional work at home, they can logon to their IXL or MyMaths accounts.
You can request additional homework to be uploaded onto MyMaths, as we recognise that many parents are keen to further support their child's learning at home.
Year 4 PE
Classes 5 and 6 have PE every Monday.
Classes 7 and 8 have PE every Tuesday.
If PE days ever need to be swapped, a letter will be sent home.
On your child's PE day, they can arrive at school already dressed in their PE kit.
Activities and Events 2016-17