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St Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School home page

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet


After School Club acceptance letter Autumn 24

W/C 15/07/2024

W/C 22/4/24

Week Beginning: Monday 10th July

Week Beginning: Monday 20th March

Week Beginning: Monday 13th March

Week Beginning: 6th March 2023

Week Beginning: Monday 20th February

Week Beginning: Monday 19th December

Week Beginning: Monday 5th December

Week Beginning: 21st November 2022

Week Beginning: 19th September

Week Beginning: 12th September

Week Beginning: 20th June

Week Beginning: Monday 9th May

Week Beginning: Tuesday 3rd May, 2022

Newsletter Friday 1st April 2022

Week Beginning: Monday 28th February 2022

Week Beginning: Monday 20th December, 2021

Week Beginning: Monday 6th December 2021

Week Beginning: Monday 15/11/2021

Week Beginning: Monday 1st November, 2021

Week Beginning: Monday 27th September, 2021

Week Beginning: Monday 20th September, 2021

Week Beginning: Monday 23rd August, 2021

Week beginning: Monday, 5th July 2021

Week Beginning: Monday, 17th May 2021

Week Beginning 01/02/2021

W/C 07/09/2020

W/C 23/03/2020

The link below has been sent to us by Liverpool Safeguarding and is the most up to date guidance (as of 15/3/20) from the Government. In effect, it means that all pupils and staff are treated identically and there is no difference in guidance for anyone returning from trips abroad. In effect pupils and staff should only self isolate if they show symptoms, otherwise they should attend school. We have no option other than to follow this guidance.

Letters W/C 09/03/2020

Letters W/C 24/02/2020

Letters- W/C 03/02/2020

Letters - W/C 20/01/2020

Check this page for any letters that we have sent home regarding trips, school clubs or other important notices.