Governor Vacancies
Foundation Governors
We are inviting applications for 3 Foundation Governor vacancies.
The successful candidate will become a full member of the Governing Body and serve for 4 years with effect from the date of their appointment. Full Governing Body meetings of this school are held once per term. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions these may take via Zoom or a similar platform.
If you would like to stand for this position please contact the Liverpool Archdiocese for an application form and they will guide you through the process.
Governors' Details:1/1/25
Name | Category of Governor | Term of Office | Appointed By | Roles | Declaration of Interest | Governance Roles in Other Educational Establishments | Voting Rights |
Father Ged Callacher | Associate | 17/5/21 – 17/5/25 | Governing Body | RE Link | Parish Priest |
| No |
Mr Robert Carden | LA | 08/07/23 - 08/07/2027 | Governing Body | Safeguarding | Wife a teacher at the school |
| Yes - limited |
Mrs Rachael Davidson | Foundation | 1/9/2021 – 1/9/2025 | Archdiocese | Curriculum Link | None | Headteacher at Bishop Eton Primary School | Yes |
Mrs Sue Faulkner | Foundation | 8/3/2021 – 8/3/2025 | Archdiocese | Finance and Attendance Link | None |
| Yes |
Mrs Suzann Forshaw | Parent Governor | 18/5/2021 – 18/5/2025 | Governing Body | Pupil Premium Link | Child attended the school |
| Yes |
Mr James Kennedy | Teacher | 9/12/21- 9/12/25 | Governing Body |
| Partner a teacher at the school |
| Yes |
Mrs Danielle Lawler | Parent Governor | 9/4/2022 – 9/4/2026 | Governing Body | SEND Link | Child attends the school | Deputy Head at Maricourt HS | Yes |
Mr Andrew Reidel | Headteacher | 1/1/16 - ongoing | Archdiocese |
| None | Foundation Governor at Holy Family Primary School | Yes |
Mr Tony Sandle | Foundation | 9/6/2022 - 9/6/2026 | Archdiocese | Chair of Governors | None |
| Yes |
Governors' Roles and Responsibilities
Any correspondence for the attention of the governing body should be sent for the attention of:
Mr T Sandle (Chairperson of the Governing Body)
St Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School
Hale Rd
L4 3RL
Roles and Responsibilities
Our school governing body consists of:
- Parent Governors (Parents elected by parents)
- Staff Governors (School staff elected by school staff)
- Local Authority Governors (appointed by the local authority)
- Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese and the Archdiocese)
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school is run to promote pupils achievement and welfare. The duties of the school governing body include:
- setting the strategic direction of the school
- approving the school budget
- reviewing progress against the school’s budget and objectives
- appointing staff and maintaining the upkeep of the building and its grounds.
Foundation Governors:
Mrs Rachael Davidson
Mrs Sue Faulkener
Mr Tony Sandle
LA Governor:
Mr Rob Carden
Staff Governors:
Mr Andrew Reidel – Headteacher
Mr James Kennedy
Parent Governors
Mrs Danielle Lawler
Mrs S Forshaw
Associate Governor
Fr Ged Callacher
Mr Terry Brown
Governors' Attendance 2024/25
Name | Full Governor's Term 1
| Full Governor's Admissions Policy | Full Governor's Term 2
| Full Governor's Term 3
Fr Ged Callacher | Apologies Given | Apologies Given |
Mr R Carden | Attended | Apologies Given |
Mrs R Davidson | Apologies Given | Apologies Given |
Mrs I Faulkner | Attended | Attended |
Mrs S Forshaw | Attended | Apologies Given - voted via form |
Mr J Kennedy | Attended | Attended |
Mrs D Lawler | Attended | Apologies Given |
Mr A Reidel | Attended | Attended |
Mr T Sandle | Attended | Attended |
Governors' Attendance
Governors' Structure and Committees
The full governing body is recognised as the Strategic/Steering Committee (incorporating Finance and General Purposes).
When necessary an additional meeting is held to address any points that require attention before a Full Governors meeting.
Meetings and Link Governors
Full Governors and committees meet at least once per term.
There are Governor's linked to specific areas and take an active role in working with Subject Leaders to add expertise and to report back to committees and/or full Governors as necessary.