School Opening Hours
School Hours
School hours are 8.55am to 3.30pm. This is a total of 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Pre 8.55am:
- Drop off begins at 8.00am for pupils who have been allotted a place.
- There is an informal entry from 8.30am. Children will be welcomed into their year groups and classes by a member of staff.
- Pupils are supervised by staff in their classes.
End of day arrangements:
- Lessons finish on or close to 3.30pm
- Year 3 and 4 pupils can be picked up from the yard via the appropriate gate from 3.35pm when the school gates are opened.
- Year 5 and 6 pupils can be picked up from the yard at 4.45pm via the appropriate gate. Pupils with permission to walk home will allowed to leave at this time.