12.12.16 Programming Challenge
In Year 4, we have been mastering the skills of programming using a whole range of different ipad apps.
We had to complete the challenge of manoeuvring a robot around a given path ensuring that it lit up all the lights in a given number of steps! If we ran out of moves, we had to adapt our programme to complete the challenge and progress to the next level! This involved using the repeat programming function! Leo and Lily-Mae were in competition with Mrs Budworth and beat her by 2 whole levels!
Using Bluetooth, we connected the ipads to a floor robot. We then created a programme to move the robot to a new location on the map. As we progressed through the levels, it became more challenging as certain instructions were banned! For example ‘forwards’ was banned so we had to come up with a solution for how we could move our robot forwards without using this key instruction! Many children realised that the trick was to turn him around and use the backwards instruction. Very clever!
This was by far the most challenging activity. Careful use of angles was needed to write a programme which lead the robot through the maze. Trial and error allowed our programme to be adapted with some very successful results! Katie and Joe managed to complete the maze!