'Another Place' Xeransis Poetry
'Another Place' Xeransis Poems
Following our fantastic trips to see Antony Gormley's 'Another Place' on Crosby Beach, Year 4 came back to school feeling inspired to write some poetry!
We have been learning how to create xeransis poems. This is where a poem starts off on a particular number of words per line and then on each line that follows, the number of words will decrease by one word each time (until the poem ends with just one word!).
After we had discussed what types of things the iron sculptures must experience throughout different times of the day and year, we began to imagine what emotions they would probably experience if they could think and feel!
You can read some of our fabulous poems (written from the point of view of an iron sculpture) below.
Check out Class 7 performing their whole class 'Another Place' poem...