PSHE (Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education)
"No society can long sustain itself unless its members have learned the sensitivities, motivations and skills involved in assisting and caring for other human beings." - Urie Bronfenbrenner
At St Francis de Sales, we strive for all pupils to play a positive role by contributing to the life of the school and wider community. In doing so, we help to develop their sense of self-worth and appreciation of their personal contribution to the world. We believe that it is vitally important to ensure that pupils at our school develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need in order to manage their lives, now and in the future.
We follow the ‘Jigsaw’ PSHE scheme of work recommended by the PSHE Association. This focuses on developing mindfulness techniques to enhance pupils' personal development, therefore supporting the self-regulation of emotion, resilience and enhancing their focus and concentration. Alongside this we carefully plan and schedule themed weeks and opportunities to enrich learning which reflect the needs of our community.
PSHE Policy
The whole school engages in one ‘Jigsaw’ theme at a time across all year groups, with 6 themes over the course of a year. This enables the whole school to focus on the same learning themes at the same time, each year group at its own level. This also ensures that children's PSHE skills are progressing using their previous knowledge each year.
All of the lessons follow the same structure: ‘Calm Me’; ‘Open My Mind’; ‘Show Me/Tell Me’; ‘Let Me Learn’; ‘Help Me Reflect’. This creates a relaxed atmosphere where the children can engage in activities such as a class discussion, a blind quiz to address misconceptions, role play games that create empathy or other activities that address the sensitivities of the lessons theme in a respectful environment.
British values are taught implicitly through lessons and promote mutual respect for all. The first Jigsaw topic of the year addresses democracy and rule of law in relation to the school environment. Each year group also addresses all of the British Values through a cross curricular writing topic. These include: The Magna Carta; The American Civil Rights Movement; The Suffragettes and The British Slave trade.
To enhance our provision we deliberately plan visits from outside agencies to deliver specific aspects of PSHE content to the children, e.g:
- The NSPCC, came to speak to year 5 about ‘speak out, stay safe’. The workshops equipped the children with an understanding of how to recognise unhealthy relationships.
- Everton in the community came to speak to all of the children about the importance of resilience when chasing your dreams.
- British Military School has been to deliver Year 5 and 6 ‘first response’ first aid training. We now know who we can count on in an emergency situation!
Careers Week
'Drugs and Alcohol' Awareness week
At St.Francis De Sales we believe that the children should be educated about all of the different issues that await them in the world. Through an understanding of what 'drugs and alcohol' are and the effects that they have upon a person's body, and lifestyle, we are enabling the children to make informed and positive choices. Now that we also have the Jigsaw curriculum, we have combined 'Drugs and Alcohol' awareness week and out topic 'Healthy Me'.
We use a number of ways to measure and assess the impact of our intent and implementation. This helps us refine and adapt our planning further which, in turn, improves the quality of teaching and learning.
PSHE lessons allow for constant formative assessment and feedback. Each lesson is based on questioning, games, quizzes, discussions or debate. The impact that these discussions have can be seen in class floor books which display work and pupil voice.
At the end of each PSHE topic, there is an activity or discussion that will allow for a summative assessment of children’s understanding of the topic’s objectives. However, the topic is teacher assessed and practitioners will consider each child’s progress throughout the entirety of the topic to make their judgments. These assessments are placed on their class assessment matrix to give a subjective assessment of progress.
Each class floor book is monitored (termly) to ensure consistency and quality Teaching and learning of PSHE. Comparing the books within year groups helps to share good practice.
Pupil engagement is assessed via the pupil voice post-its that should be present on each page to evidence children's views and how their attitudes may have been changed.