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St Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School home page

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet

Teacher Voice

Teacher Voice


Teachers have noticed that the new curriculum has had a very positive impact upon the majority of pupils. The respectful nature of the lessons has transferred to other areas of school life. The pupils are now more open with their feelings and respect each others views.


“An understanding of 'the culture of a safe space' in the classroom has been developed.”


“I noticed a lot more empathy within the class in lessons and a greater appreciation of our differences. Even children who struggle to empathise with others, seemed better placed to 'put themselves in someone else's shoes'”


“In relation to mental health, I feel the children are much more open and honest about how they are feeling. They have a better understanding that it is equally important to look after our mental health as well as our physical health.”


"The values of PSHE are continually instilled because the topic is taught weekly. It is a key part of our curriculum and the children are really engaging with the topic."


"The sequencing of lessons in PSHE this year has supported our student's well being which was needed more than ever in what was a very strange year. The children have benefitted from the different themes throughout the year and the change to weekly lessons helped our children as they knew it was a space where they could speak freely and without judgement."