Unit 3 - Building Sustainable Cities
Unit 3 - Building Sustainable Cities
For Unit 3, we set out to gain a better understanding of the role of nature within our city. We researched how infrastructure, public health and culture are linked to nature and how urbanisation within our city can impact this. Researching responsibly on the internet we had find local news articles about green spaces within our city. We had to ensure that we were using reliable resources to be able to inform our peers in the Global Discussion.
As a group we looked at various nature-based solutions; ways of mimicking nature to address urbanisation challenges whilst ensuring that nature is not harmed in the process. We discussed solutions such as planting green walls and installing rain gardens, considering how these solutions are sustainable and how they can benefit cities. Through researching online we explored if our city already utilises any nature-based solutions and which of these solutions work best.
On the e-classroom we informed our peers about an urbanisation challenge that impacts our city the most and what nature-based solution would work best. Interacting with our peers allowed us to broaden our knowledge on different solutions and hear about challenges in other countries.
We received some interesting feedback on our posts!
Nature-Based Solutions discussion

For our end of unit project we had to design a green space that we would like in our city that incorporates some of the nature-based, green solutions we had learnt about. We worked together to design a 3-dimensional model that addresses urbanisation challenges within our city.
Our design focuses on the challenges of pollution and public health. The meditation area, pond and plots to grow produce will impact mental health as well as physical health, allowing people to feel a sense of purpose and strong involvement within the community. Additionally, our design involves a plot of trees along with an insect garden all of which will have a positive impact on the environment.
Take a look at our creation!