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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet


Portrait Presentation


After researching various portrait artists, the children created their own collage about the artists and presented their findings and opinions about them to the class. They enjoyed discussing the work by Hans Holbein, Frida Kahlo and Van Gogh.


Researching and Presenting Information About Frida Kahlo


After researching the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, the children in Year 5 replicated her style by drawing their version of Frida Kahlo herself.  When they had completed their sketches, they presented their ideas to the class using the Oracy techniques they have studied. The children spoke about the techniques she is famous for such as: bright colours, flowers, nature, animals and traditional Mexican attire.


One pupil said, "I enjoyed explaining how she used art to express her emotions."

Presenting Design Ideas to Create a Life-Size Viking


The children created a life-size Viking which links with our History topics. During their sessions with an experienced artist, they had countless opportunities to present their ideas to various groups about their design ideas for the Viking. The children discussed the materials, colours, fabrics, paints and techniques they would use.


After the presentations, the children then debated which recyclable materials they would use as well as the type of clothing a Viking would actually wear.