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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet


Living Things and Their Habitats – Grouping Living Things

After learning about characteristics, Year 4 have been working scientifically to group living things using Carroll and Venn diagrams. We worked independently to create Venn and Carroll diagrams and grouped the living things using a variety of different attributes. It was interesting to see which animals shared the same characteristics! 



Living Things and Their Habitats – Researching Vertebrates

After learning about the main invertebrate groups, we chose a variety of questions to investigate. Then, we used our research skills to discover interesting facts about different invertebrates.


‘Incredibly, spiders make their webs from silk and store this in a special gland.’ – Mhoni





Electricity – Mains and Battery Power

After learning about our upcoming science topic, we assessed our prior knowledge of mains and battery powered objects. After learning about their differences, we checked to see if we were correct.



Electricity – Will the Bulb Light Up?

Year 4 have been using their knowledge of how to create a complete circuit to independently create circuits with secure connections. We used our understanding to predict and test each circuit, as well as creating examples of working circuits to fix the problem!


'I knew that the bulb would not light up because the wires have to be connected to each end of the cell so that the electricity can flow around the circuit. When I created the circuit to test my theory I found that I was correct!' – Harry


'I didn't realise that foil was a metal - but the bulb lit up so I researched it and found out that it is made of a metal called aluminium!' -  Sofia




States of Matter - Investigating Melting Points

 After learning about changes of state, we have been independently researching the melting points of different metals. We presented our research using both a table and a bar chart. Of the metals that we researched, we discovered that iron had the highest melting point and mercury had the lowest melting point.


'Mercury would be a liquid at room temperature as it melts and becomes a liquid at -37oC!' - Eve