General Election
2019 General Election
In the lead up to the General Election, the pupils analysed how the British government is structured and looked more closely at their local MP for the constituency. Next, pupils looked at the political party manifestos but without the party's name attached. In doing so, the pupils had to reason which party they would vote for without the bias that they already may have towards a particular party. Finally, we used our understanding of percentage change to simulate how majority seats are won in the House of Commons during the General Election.
Pupil Voice
"I liked finding out who my local MP was because I thought that you just had to vote for who was in charge of the party - for example, Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn. Because I know this, I hope that we can write to our MP in the future to help us solve some problems." Rochrie K
"It was interesting to see the party's manifestos without their names because sometimes I think people just vote for a party because the rest of their family does. I think it's important to read what parties are promising and use your vote to help other people too. In our class, most people voted for the Green Party or the Labour Party." Lilia F