Enriching Experiences
Enriching Experiences
We allow for experiences, both in and out of school, to enrich and broaden our pupils' cultural experience and immerse them in their learning journey.
Careers Day
For our school Careers Day, several pupils came in dressed as jobs related to Maths such as mathematicians, architects and business owners. We also got to speak to some professionals from Maths related jobs such as technical drawing.
"I want to be a mathematician when I grow up. It was useful to think about what I would need to get into my chosen career and what career paths might lead me to become a mathematician." - Charlie

North Liverpool Academy Maths Competition
Some of our pupils got to participate in a Maths competition at North Liverpool Academy. The Maths team took on a variety of different challenges to test their mathematical understanding and reasoning skills. Not only did our team put in a fantastic amount of effort, but they actually ended up winning the competition!

Explore Learning Workshop:
Year 6 took part in a problem-solving workshop with the Explore Learning team this week. We worked in pairs to solve a variety of problems and puzzles as part of a timed activity. We then presented our findings to the rest of the class.
"I loved this workshop as we were able to work in pairs in order to trial and error different methods in order to find the most efficient route through the museum. Ben and I actually found a route that hadn't even been discovered by the Explore Learning team. They were blown away with our skills!" - Luca

D&T - Pasta with tomato sauce
Year 6 made pasta with tomato sauce in D&T. However, first we needed to calculate the quantities of ingredients needed for our recipes. To do this we worked in pairs and applied our knowledge of ratio and proportion in order to work out exactly what we needed for each portion.
"I really enjoyed combining D&T with maths because it was great to apply our learning to a real-life problem. Making the food was all the more fun because we had been involved in measuring and calculating the ingredients. It was also fun to use our knowledge from other areas of maths, such as multiplying fractions when we had to scale up the recipe." - Ava

Pupil Voice:
"My favourite enriching experience was when Explore Learning visited our school and held a workshop with us in the hall. It was good to work independently, but, also, as part of a team. Each and every task was difficult and really challenged us to think hard about our reasoning and our explanations." - Alfie