Enriching Experiences
Art Skills and Class Art Days
Year 3 have two full days with a professional artist who models key skills and inspires creativity.
Baseline: The Royal Liver Building
Visiting The Royal Liver Building to complete our baseline drawings.
Van Gogh Immersive Experience
After studying the art work of Van Gogh, Year 3 seized the opportunity to build upon our creative skills and sketch visit the Van Gogh Alive exhibition. Whilst there, we immersed ourselves in a multi-sensory multimedia art experience which combined high-defintion projections of Van Gogh's paintings with digital surround sound for example, 'The Cherry Blossoms' by Toshiko Yonekawa!
"I've had the best day ever! I loved being able to sit and relax in a painting of Van Gogh and listen to the music. What an amazing artist he was, my favourite piece of his art is 'A Starry Night'." - Poppy W, C3
"Please can I do it all over again? I can't pick my favourite part of today. I loved the sunflower room, they are beautiful flowers I can see why Van Gogh chose them. I can't want to get back to school and create my own Van Gogh inspired piece of art!" - James K, C3