Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills
5 Elements of Shape
Over this term, Y3 children were learning to recognise the basic building blocks of drawing: geometry. They have been sketching several objects based on the simple shapes they could see in the objects. They have also been studying various artists (Van Gogh, Andre Derain & Bisa Butler), to try to emulate some of their work using dots, circles, straight lines, curved lines and angle lines.

Andy Warhol
This week in Year 3, we have been leaning about the famous artist - Andy Warhol. We discussed and evaluated some of his most iconic pieces and learned about the movement that is pop art. Warhol was one of the foremost figures as far as pop at was concerned and his works highlight the links between artistic expression, advertising and celebrity culture that flourished in the 1960s.

Art Skills
Working alongside resident artist (Becky), we watched carefully as she showed us - step by step - how to maximise the effect of colour in our drawings. We also learned about mixing colours to create new ones and even tried to draw images without looking at the page!