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St Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School home page

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet

Year 6: TT Rockstars

Let the Battle Commence... 


All of the Year 6 staff are delighted at how hard our classes are working on their times tables. As you know, rapid recall of times tables and related division facts is essential in becoming a fluent mathematician. You should all be rocking away with the tables that have been set for you.


- As always, we will focus on all of our times tables, up to 12x12 - we need to be fluent with these in Year 6! 

- As well as this, we are implementing a TTRS League for Y6 pupils.  The fixtures for the coming weeks can be found below. 

- Don't forget: you can challenge your teacher (or any teacher in the school) to a rock battle!

- If you have any hot spots, use 'Hit the Button' to help work on these (as multiple choice answers are provided).