RE - The Sacrament of Marriage
As part of our topic on the Sacrament of Marriage in RE, we used Googleclassroom to write a prayer about asking God for strength and help during marriage. The children watched parts of the marriage ceremony and learned about the vows/promises made during the ceremony. The children wrote the prayer on Google Slides. Here are a copy of the examples.
Safer Internet Day

For Safer Internet Day, Year 5 explored how we should all manage our online identities and ensure that everyone is FREE to be their true, authentic selves online. We explored that the internet isn't 100% for everyone due to people misusing it; however, if we do our part to use the world wide web responsibly then hopefully the internet can become a safer place for young people.
We demonstrated our understanding of being safe online by designing our own avatars to represent our own online identities. After learning what our online identities consist of, we made choices about how we wanted others to perceive us online and the things we might do differently in the future when using the internet.
Pupil Voice
"I like expressing myself online but I now understand that I need to be responsible too. Just like having a bad reputation in the real world, my online identity can also be changed because of my behaviour on social media or online gaming. I designed my avatar showing the things I like: art and gaming. If others made better choices online, then the internet would be a safer place." Thomas