Cross Curricular Work
Using our skills in powerpoint and google slides to create a modern retelling of the 'Parable of the Good Samaritan'.
Using variables with the artist in Code Studio
Computing and Science
Looking to utilise and develop our previous learning on 'gathering and presenting data', Year 6 incorporated this into our recent scientific investigation.
We were looking at how the brightness of a bulb is affected by the amount of power (measured in volts) that the bulb receives. Before we began, like true scientists, we checked we had the correct equipment, wrote up our methods and made predictions. We used an iPad app called LUX to measure the intensity of the light bulb.
After we had completed our experiment, we exported and analysed our continuous data and presented it in graph form using the NCES website. Through careful analysis, we were then able to spot any patterns in our data. Making our final conclusions, we determined that the higher the voltage, the brighter the light bulb. Finally, we worked collaboratively to present our findings to the rest of the class.