Reading Wise - Online phonics, decoding and comprehension reading programme
Reading Wise is an online literacy programme, supporting the development of reading. Pupils spend 20 minutes per session with supervision and work on different interactive modules to support their learning. Each lesson plan is based on the child's reading age and is tailored to challenge their learning through three different programmes. Each module supports a different aspect of reading:
Zip is a phonics based programme focusing on basic grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs), mainly aimed at children working at Rec, Y1 or Y2 level or children with English as an additional language. Children should spend 5-10 minutes per day on this module.
Decoding is another phonics based module focusing more on the skills of decoding and reading for children in years 2-9. The decoding module develops deep independence in learners, improve their reading fluency and improve their overall reading age. Children should spend 20-25 minutes on sessions, three times per week on this module.
The Learner's Library is a fun and engaging way for learners to hone their comprehension skills using learning resources in the form of extracts from children's timeless classics from A Christmas Carol to Roald Dahl's 'The Witches'. Children will focus on developing 'Mega Skills' of questioning, summarising and thinking ahead to transform reluctant readers into enthusiastic readers.
Please refer to the attached parents notes for support with each module.