Positive Footprints: Daily behavioural intervention that promotes discussion, reflection and the use of SMART targets in order to promote positive change
Positive Footprints:
Changing Behaviour Through Discussion and Reflection
Our "Positive Footprints" Strategy
Positive attitudes and behaviour from all pupils is a core aim for our school. When pupils do make poor decisions, we believe that positive discussion and communication is the way to alter mindsets and change directions. Our Learning Mentor works on a daily basis with pupils who need to change their behaviour in our "Positive Footprints" sessions.
"Positive Footprints" is an behavioural intervention strategy led by SLT and our Learning Mentor. It gives pupils who have made poor decisions the chance to reflect and discuss these decisions with our Learning Mentor. After discussing their behaviour individually and as part of a group, pupils are then empowered to reflect on how they can change, and make SMART targets to help them moving forward. The impact has been very positive, pupils can communicate their feelings and decision making skills have improved for those pupils involved.
"Restorative Justice" forms a core part of our "Positive Footprints" strategy. Restorative justice brings those affected by poor behaviour with those who have made poor decisions into communication, enabling everyone affected by a particular incident to play a part in repairing the harm and finding a positive way forward. This is part of a wider field called restorative practice.
Pupil Voice on "Positive Footprints"
"I was making poor decisions in class at times, I was talking too much and was moved seats. After attending Positive Footprints with our Learning Mentor, I slowly realised that my behaviour was distracting other pupils and not just me." - Callum
"I like having the chance to think about my day and talk about my decision making. I like getting advice from the Learning Mentor, he really helps me think about my behaviour." - Aaron
"I like having space to think about how I can improve in my work and my attitude. I have thought about the importance of acting in a fair way, and how fairness can be one of the most important things when considering other pupils. I actually look forward to Positive Footprints." - James
"Positive Footprints helps me calm down and focus more on work. I can reflect on my behaviour and make SMART targets for the next day. " - Aaron