Oracy in Action
Once we designed and produced our pizza box logos, we used our oracy skills to discuss evaluate our chosen designs.

Making a Healthy Pizza
After acquiring the knowledge and developing an understanding of the process required to make a healthy pizza, we took time to verbally explain the process to each other. Then, we gave a presentation to our classmates focusing on what pizza is, where it originally comes from and how to make a pizza ensuring we used on the subject specific vocabulary we had focused on through each stage of the process. While our classmates gave their presentations, we listened out for the key points carefully which enabled us to ask questions and encourage each other to give more detail in order to demonstrate out understanding of the process even further.

"I really enjoyed having the opportunity to explain how to make a pizza to my classmates. Also, I enjoyed asking my classmates questions after their presentations because it helped me understand some aspects of the process I was not as confident in!"- Christopher, C1
"Delivering a presentation all about pizza was extremely fun! I was able to share all the knowledge I have on pizza including facts such as 'the origin of the name for margherita pizza comes from Queen Margherita'! "-Taylor, C1