Enriching Experiences
An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem: Beowulf
Learning about the Anglo-Saxon period has inspired us to read an adapted version of the epic poem 'Beowulf'. Year 5 know that this poem was first written in Old English, and it was one of the first recorded stories that we have in Britain! During 'Story Sessions', Year 5 have been fully immersed in this tale of a Geatish hero, who battled various mythical creatures to save the people of Denmark.
Daisy: "I have really enjoyed reading Beowulf and the fact that I am learning about the Anglo Saxons has really helped me to have a deeper understanding."
Julius Caesar - Writing a Persuasive Speech
In our literacy lessons, we have been reading an abridged version of the text, 'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare, linking with our understanding of the Romans. Our children have enjoyed analysing the themes in the text and have been forming their own opinions about whether they believe Brutus was the most noble Roman of them all.
Isabella: 'My favourite part of the story was when Mark Anthony stood up to Brutus because he killed his best friend. Only an idiotic fool would believe that Brutus was the most noble Roman when he committed murder!'
Examining Anglo Saxon Artefacts
We have enjoyed examining a range of artefacts to find out about what life was like in Anglo Saxon Britain. Using our prior knowledge about this period, we made predictions about what each of the artefacts was used for and uncovered the mystery of who was buried in the grave at Sutton Hoo!
Chloe: 'The most interesting artefact that I discovered was the purse clasp because it showed how the Anglo Saxons used money to trade for items just like we do today!'