Enriching experiences
Delamere Forest
Year 5 have the opportunity to unleash their inner explorer in the idyllic setting of Delamere Forest. The children develop their orienteering skills while trekking around the forest and learning about the landscape, plants, trees and animals. As well as this, they also enjoy an action-packed adventure through the forest on bikes.
Digital Mapping with Hi-Impact
We worked with computer experts to compare and contrast the physical and human features Rio and the UK. The children enjoyed making comparisons between Rio and Liverpool on Google Earth and presenting their findings on Pic Collage.
Lily: "This technology is brilliant! I can't believe we can zoom in to see buildings and roads in Rio. Its as if we are actually there!"
Building a Contour Model
The children thoroughly enjoyed creating their own models to show the contour lines on a mountain. We found out about how these lines can be used to show how steep a hill or mountain is.
Darren: 'I loved making the contour model because you could see in 3D that the areas at the top were taller and where the hill got steeper.'