Autumn 1
Reading Star Moment Winners!
With half term approaching, pupils eagerly anticipated who would win the first ever ‘Reading Star Moment’ raffle! Pupils all over the school have worked extremely hard to win the raffle tickets but there could only be 16 lucky winners!
On Wednesday afternoon, the winning pupils headed off to Waterstones where they got to select a book which school bought for them as a treat for all their hard work. Following this, we had a tasty treat in the café and enjoyed reading an extract from the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book which the Waterstones staff kindly gifted to each pupil.
A member of the public commented how wonderful it was to see children who were so well behaved and who thoroughly enjoyed reading. The children really are a credit to our school.
‘I was so shocked when I won and really pleased that my hard work had been recognised. It was excellent to be able to choose any book that we wanted! I chose ‘4 Tales’ by Phillip Pullman because I enjoyed reading ‘Clockwork’ by the same author in our Year 6 story sessions. I really enjoy reading in school as it is a quiet time to focus on my story and I find it relaxing. Jayden L.
We can’t wait to see who wins next half term!