Acquiring skills and knowledge
Sprite Lab
Year 6 have been using Code Studio to edit events and behaviour using Sprite Lab. We used and edited blocks to allow us to program our Sprite to move around the page in different directions. We had to make sure that we were de-bugging our code after we clicked 'Run' so that we could make the necessary changes to ensure our commands were executed exactly as we had written.

Functions in Minecraft
Today in our computing lesson, we learned about functions whilst using one of our favourite gaming platforms - Minecraft! We created our own sub-routines that were then used to make instructions easier to use (and less code!).
'I really enjoyed the coding lesson today.
I learned to open and close pressure pads whilst moving my character
forwards, backwards etc. It has inspired me to want to programme my own computer game in the future.'
(Jakk: Class 16)
Using Google Forms
To revise for our First Aid assessment, we created our own Google Form quiz to test what we and others knew about the making a primary assessment, CPR and the recovery position. We formatted quizzes, made an answer key and tested them out so that others could use them in the class.

Interactive Maps
As part of our History topic, Liverpool and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Year 6 pupils used an interactive map of the city to investigate the legacy of slavery that still exists to the present day. Using the map, we watched videos, learnt facts and looked at the geographical significance of the location compared to the Liverpool Docks. We used this research to create a poster and present our information to the rest of the class.

Google Classroom
As part of our blended learning curriculum, Year 6 have been learning how to access Google Classroom, complete work and hand in their work. They have used Google Docs, Google Forms and Google Slides to complete different tasks and learnt the importance of formatting their work so that it looks professional.

Using the SpriteBox app, Year 6 have been developing their programming skills. Progressing through each stage of this platform game required children to use advanced programming skills solve problems. Here they decomposed problems into smaller parts to ensure that their character could complete the level.
Digital Art
Using the digital art website: Weavesilk, we combined shapes, colours and explored symmetry to draw. Some of us even preferred this method over using 'actual' art materials.