24/01/17: St. Francis de Sales Feast Day
SFDS Feast Day:
Today, we celebrated the Feast Day of our Patron Saint: St. Francis de Sales. Each class in Year 5, took a special look at his life and achievements and delved deeper into his wonderful life. It is important that we, as a community, know the history of our Patron Saint, as we place so many of his teachings at the heart of what we do on a daily basis.
A special thank you must go out to every child and parent/guardian who contributed to the City Mission scheme by bringing a gift bag into school. Needless to say, these will be greatly appreciated by the people receiving them. You should be proud that you have made such a huge difference to someone else's life. We celebrated this moment by giving the gifts during the offertory section of our Mass.
Alongside this, it was (of course) Own Clothes Day! This meant that a kaleidoscope of colours replaced the usual blue that we are so used to! Everybody looked smart and they were a credit to their year group. Additionally, despite Mr Kennedy doubting whether he would wear it, Jay-Lee of Class 12 looked immaculate in his suit and even Mr Reidel was impressed!
Once again, thank you to everyone who contributed to this special day, and a big thank you to all of the readers who represented our school so superbly in Mass.