15/05/2019 - Comic Book Workshop
Today, a selection of children from Year 3, 4 and 5 participated in a Comic Book Workshop which was delivered by Comic Youth CIC. The children discussed what it meant to be lonely and isolated and created mini comics to help people who are feeling this way. The children loved creating the comics and the finished masterpieces will be part of a selection displayed at Tate Modern, London in June focusing on the theme of isolation, loneliness and social segregation.
Thom said, "The workshop was good fun. I made my comic very dark at the beginning to show the person's loneliness then made it bright and happy at the end to show the person happier."
James agreed, "I really enjoyed making the comic. It will help people who are lonely."
Poppy commented, "My comic was about someone who had no friends and they found some at the end."