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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet

14/06/2019 - Islam Week

Year 3 Islam Week


This week, children in Year 3 have been learning about Islam as part of their ‘Other Faiths’ topic in the Come and See R.E. Curriculum.


The focus on their learning was the Mosque which is a Muslim place of worship. The children started by exploring the outside of a mosque before gaining an understanding of the features found inside. The children were able to identify and describe a mihrab, minbar, qiblah, minaret and wudu.



"I really enjoyed learning Islam Week because we got to learn about the life of Muslims and the importance of their place of worship (a mosque). When Muslims first enter a mosque, they must wash their feet, face and behind their ears 3 times in the wudu (wash area). Also, Muslims have a prayer mat whenever they are worshipping."

Terri T