02/03/17: We Are Writers!
We Are Writers!
We are delighted to announce that for the second year running, many of our pupils have become published authors. This time round, our Year 3 pupils have debuted as authors!
As part of our ‘World Book Day’ celebrations, the children unlocked their imaginations and created their own 100 word or 200 word stories. Some of these stories may even be sequels to last year’s ones!
Mr. Reidel has very kindly purchased one copy of the book for every pupil in the school. The children can keep these for their own reading pleasure for free.
This was once again an exciting experience for the children to be a part of and we hope that they will get a real thrill from seeing their stories in a real book!
Pupil comments:
"I feel special to be one of the authors in our 'We Are Writers' book. Not many children get the opportunity to have their very own story published in a professional book! We had to use powerful vocabulary and pick our own words carefully to give the audience a vivid picture in as few words as possible."
Keira, Class 8
"When we were writing our own 100 word stories, we had to be concise. This meant giving as much information in as few words as possible. This was tricky to start with, but soon I got the hang of it! My story was called 'Captured by Celts' and I love that it is a historical story set in a forest!"
Harley, Class 8