01/10/19: Spectacular speeches.
On Tuesday 1st October the 16 candidates stood in front of their peers to deliver their spectacular speeches.
Each candidate had some wonderfully unique ideas that will no doubt have a huge impact on the school if they are successful. The main ideas of the speeches were reading zones and book swap areas around the school; brightening up the playground with colourful games and markings; playtime buddy systems and friendship groups; rewards and gratitude boxes; a 'wellbeing club' at lunchtime; spelling competitions; improvements to our lunch menus.
The children spoke to confidently and eloquently, and should be extremely proud of their bravery and achievement in standing for school council. The children have a tough decision to make as to who is the best person to represent their year group and will take to the voting booths on Wednesday 2nd October.
Stay tuned for the big reveal of our school council 2019/20.