Lessons and Workshops
Birds of Prey
We were visited by the Welsh Birds of Prey centre to learn about some amazing birds of prey! During the session, the children learnt lots of information about the diets, habitats and distinguishing features of the different birds displayed. This linked with many of our Science topics including classification. Our favourite bird was the naughty Eurasian Eagle owl! Some children were lucky enough to be chosen to handle the birds and even walk with them back to their perch. Well done to all of the children who were brave and sensible in handling the birds! Click on the links below to see some of our favourite snaps from the day.
'The Eurasian Eagle owl was amazing! When it opened it's wings, they were enormous!' - Adam
'I had never see any of these birds before. I was so excited that I got to hold one! - Mihaela
Spellow Library Visit
Tale of Troy - Story Session / Exploring Book Covers - 'We Are Writers'
For part of our learning outside the classroom week, Year 4 visited Spellow Library. While there, we enjoyed a story session sharing our class read ‘Tale of Troy’ and we looked at a range of different books covers to inspire our own designs for the ‘We Are Writers’ competition.
‘I enjoyed our story session in the library as it really helped me to engage with the book’ Alex D.
‘I am looking forward to returning to the library as I would like to borrow ‘Happy Holidays’ by Jacqueline Wilson one of my favourite authors.’ Terri T
For some children, it was the first time they had visited the library. We are very lucky in Walton to still have a public library provided for us. Remember it is free to join and reading promotes success for the future.
If anyone needs any help joining the library, please speak to Mrs Budworth.

Maths outside of the classroom - Fun with physical fractions
Year 4 have been using their knowledge of fractions to complete a range of practical activities outside of the classroom. Children worked in small groups to find fractions of amounts, to find and put together fractions equivalent to one whole and to write the corresponding calculation.
'Doing Maths outside of the classroom was really fun because we got to do lots of practical tasks!' - Bella
'I enjoyed finding fractions to make a whole because we had to work together to find the right fractions!' - Scarlett

Electricity Workshop
Year 4 took part in a wonderful electricity workshop with Mr. B! We learnt about the history of electricity including how the ancient Greeks discovered static electricity by rubbing amber. We were also introduced electrons and how they move around a circuit to make electrical appliances work – we modelled this using a balloon as our electrons! After learning about both static and free flowing electricity, it was time to move on and have a go ourselves at creating some simple circuits. We got to make bulbs, buzzers, switches and motors work, as well as sending each other some messages in Morse code using our switch!
'The electricity workshop was brilliant! Not only did we learn about how electricity works, but also we got to make different types of electrical circuit' - maria
'My favourite part was when we made the bulb light up by joining hands to create an electrical circuit!' - Ethan