Lessons and Workshops
Stone Age:
Year 3 pupils enjoyed waking up in the Stone Age and re-enacting pre-historic stories using audio prompts.
Healthy Pizza - Design & Technology:
Whilst studying the cooking and nutrition aspect of D&T, every child in Year 3 researched, designed, made and evaluated the iterative process of creating a healthy pizza. After developing our understanding of the origins of pizza, the making process began!
"My favourite part of the day was when I cut the food using the plastic knife. I cut peppers, chicken and pineapple." - Jake

Maths Workshop: The Riddle of the Sphinx
Year 3 worked loved taking part in the Riddle of the Sphinx workshop, as it linked with our History topic: Ancient Egypt! The Riddle of the Sphinx took our pupils through three stages of mathematical thinking: concrete, pictorial and abstract.
"This was my favourite Maths lesson of the year because we got to take our learning outside of the classroom. I loved it!" - Olivia

Mabel the Maths Dog:
At various points of the year, some children from Year 3 have enjoyed leaving the classroom to work on their Maths skills with Mabel - our very own Maths dog! Children have enjoyed working on their times tables & number bonds with Mabel.
"I love learning with Mabel as she helps me to feel calmer and more relaxed. Thanks to Mabel, I am now better at my two times tables!" - Kyle

Rock & Fossil Workshop:
Year 3 were overjoyed to get involved with an online zoom workshop with Mr B. Pupils were fortunate enough to explore a variety of rocks, fossils and minerals which were part of Mr B's own exclusive collection.
We observed Mr B use a range of scientific equipment including using scientific glasses to zoom in and explore a range of minerals and also use a microscope which allowed us to take a closer look at the different parts of a rock and look inside different fossils.

BBC Philharmonic Workshop:
Year 3 'visited' the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra in their MediaCityUK studio. Children had the opportunity to listen to some orchestral music and prepare questions to ask a violinist and a conducter!

Ukebox Workshop:
Year 3 were paid a virtual visit by the fantastic local band - Ukebox. They performed for us via Zoom and the children had a superb time, even singing along to some of their hits!
"I loved the music and I danced along with my brother." - Kaci