Healthy Me
Healthy Me
We explored ways in which we can remain healthy. To begin with, we identified the importance of exercise and the positive impact it can have on our bodies and major organs including the heart and the lungs. Furthermore, we explored the impact different food has on our body. Deciding which examples of food were healthy or not was followed by discussing the impact calories and sugar have on the body. In order to recognise the amount of sugar which food we enjoy contains, we looked at examples of labels found on food - it is astonishing just how many calories and the amount of sugar found in some of our favourite food! Did you know children should only have 24g of sugar a day? Or that one chocolate bar contains approximately 15g of sugar?
Additionally, as well as developing our understanding of ways in which we can remain healthy, we also identified things which are dangerous including different people, different places and different things. In our classrooms, we identified different things which we believe are unsafe and dangerous such as drugs, fire, thieves, railways and busy roads. Once we had identified these things, we then shared our thoughts and ideas on ways we can ensure we stay safe in our communities and protect ourselves. Each class developed rules to protect ourselves from dangers which included things such as don't speak to strangers, don't play near railways, don't mess with the iron, tell an adult straight away if a stranger speaks to you and ensure we follow the highway code when crossing the road.
By the end of the week, we all had a much better understanding of ways in which we can both keep ourselves healthy and also keep ourselves safe!
Pupil Voice:
"I loved learning about the benefits that exercise has on our body. We even conducted scientific experiments and tested our pulse before and after exercise. I learnt that exercise makes our heart work harder to pump blood around our bodies." - Lydia
"We talked about the importance of staying healthy in more ways than just exercising. My favourite part was making the infographic about how to stay healthy mentally, physically and online." - Meila
Floor Book: