Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills
Acquisition of Knowledge and Skills:
Pupil Voice:
"In Maths lessons, we learn something new and build on skills that we have worked on previously. In our formative five, we look back at last lesson, last term and even last year! My favourite thing about Maths lessons is how we can go from not being great at the start of the lesson, to achieving by the end!" - Bella O
"I enjoy the formative 5 because it looks back at what we did last lesson and how we can improve any mistakes or become even better at what we are already good at. I love that Maths lessons have a focus that we revisit frequently as this allows me to build on my skills." - Prince O
"I look forward to the Maths hour every single day. It's my favourite lesson because we learn new skills all of the time. We also build on our skills and use different methods depending on which we feel most comfortable with. For example, we looked at how to divide using repeated subtraction, partitioning and then the 'bus-stop' method." - Lydia N