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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet

Year 4: Project 6 - VE Day

Year 4 - Project 6: VE Day


This week's project is about VE Day and the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe.


As well as researching the events which lead up to the announcement of victory in Europe and the national celebrations which followed, you will be writing and performing your own VE Day speeches and will even have the chance to use your D&T skills to create your own 'at home' VE Day parties.


We have provided you with lots of resourses to help with your research and to test your knowledge and understanding.


We have also provided you with everything you will need to create your own VE Day parties, including printable bunting, ideas for party food using real World War II recipes, songs that were sung on VE Day and other fun activities.

Don't worry if you don't have access to a printer, the examples can be used to help you with some ideas!


You will find these recources in the links below but don't forget to do your own research and use your wonderful creativity to come up with your own party ideas.


Enjoy your learning and we look forward to seeing and hearing your VE Day speeches and all about your parties on Twitter!


* Please remember - stay safe by observing the social distancing rules!

To get you in the party mood, below is a weblink to a cool Horrible Histories - VE Day song!

VE Day - Home Learning Resources
VE Day Speeches by Winston Churchill and Kind George VI
VE Day - Reading Comprehension - Test your knowledge and understanding!
VE Day - Party Planning Resouces
Additional VE Day Fun Activities

Home Learning Heroes