Ancient Greece – Politics
Who were the better province, Athens or Sparta?
Well, Year 4 have settled this question once and for all! After learning about the political system of each province, the class were split into proud Athenians and fierce Spartans to debate why their city-state was the most superior. Using our oracy and debate skills, we decided who treated their men, women and slaves the fairest. Who do you think are the better province?
'Only an idiotic fool would choose to live anywhere but Sparta! Girls are allowed to be educated in Sparta, which is just one of the many reasons why it would be absurd to live in Athens. Only a few people have rich parents so what would the rest of the girls do?' - Olivia
'Life as an Athenian is superior to life as a Spartan because we live in a democracy! We ALL get a say. A dictatorship like Sparta is poisonous. Would you really want to lose your voice? Would you really want to have no say in your own laws? Do the right thing - live in Athens! - Jacob
Year 4 presenting their arguments to the class
Ancient Rome - Childhood and Education
After learning about how the Romans educated their children, we created a group oracy presentation to discuss their similarities and differences. We also explained if we’d rather be a child in Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece, using information to support our answer.
Ancient Rome - Major Figure
To help us decide ‘Was Julius Caesar a good leader?’, we learned more about the famous Emperor’s life before deciding if we were part of the proposition or opposition for this statement. Using research, we created an argument to decide once and for all if Caesar was a worthy ruler of Rome.
Year 4 using their oracy skills to present to the class