Four-Figure Grid References
Putting our coordinates knowledge to the test, we worked independently to locate the different OS symbols on a map.
What is Europe?
Working together with a partner, we used an atlas and our learned knowledge of Europe to place a variety of rivers and mountain ranges on a map.
I really enjoyed this lesson as I was able to used my cardinal point knowledge and skills, from a previous lesson, to independently locate the Alps and the Carpathians! - Connor
Not only was I able to use my independent map reading skills during this lesson, but also I was able to name and locate all of the seas. I have a geography book at home, that I have been reading in my own time.- Eva

Non-Chronological Report - Mountains
Using all our gained knowledge from our geography lessons, we put our independent writing skills to the test to create an informative non-chronological report about mountains. We included information about how mountains are formed, mountains around the world and a special focus on The Alps, as some of us were lucky enough to visit on the SFDS skiing trip.
Coastal Study – Formby Beach
As part of the preparations for our fieldwork trip to Formby Beach, we learned all about the human and physical geography of the beach, the famous sand dunes, the Pinewoods and the impact of tourism on the area. Using this knowledge and our own research, we created an information text all about Formby Beach.