Researching Volcanoes using secondary research
As part of our Volcanoes and Earthquakes topic, Year 3 were tasked with researching volcanoes for a non-chronological report that they will be creating this week. The children were able to use a search engine safely following all the e-safety rules they have learnt this year. They were then able to take notes on the information that was most important to them for their report.
"I was able to search for the information on volcanoes that I wanted to put in my report using the search engine." Luke, Year 3.
During lockdown, Year 3 children have been using their laptops, iPads and computers more than ever and we have been extremely impressed with the work that the children are producing. They are using the skills they have learnt in school and using them at home to create outstanding work. Here is an example of a piece of work from Hannah who has used the Canva app and Microsoft Publisher to create an outstanding informative poster about the mathematician Euclid.
Presentation of the Lifecycle of a flowering plant using Clips

"It was really enjoyable to create a presentation using Clips and I was very proud when I showed it to my class." Noah, Year 3
The children used the iPads to research information about how soil is formed. Then, using this information, the children created a presentation using the Puppet Edu app.