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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet




As well as completing our weekly History lessons the children also independently complete 'History Mastermind' Quizzes on Google Classroom to help improve their knowledge and understanding of the History topics which have been studied throughout their time at our school.

Invasion of the Anglo-Saxons


The children were asked to order different periods of world history using their previous knowledge of topics covered. They then had to work out where the Anglo-Saxon period would fit in. They instinctively used their knowledge of the Roman Period in history to reason where they should place the Anglo- Saxon period on the timeline. 

Digging up the Past: Working Independently


This week, we were being archaeologists by examining objects found during digs. We researched, analysed and explained what we thought the object was and thought about what it can teach us about the Anglo-Saxon culture. We were amazed to discover that they were skilled craftsmen evidenced by the intricate designs found on jewelry and helmets like those found at Sutton Hoo.


Anglo Saxon Accommodation and Architecture


The Anglo-Saxons preferred to live very differently to the Romans who had established large towns in Britain during their rule. Places like London and Cirencester, which were thriving centres under the Romans became much smaller and quieter during the Anglo-Saxon times, and some towns were completely abandoned and the buildings were left to go to ruin.


In this lesson, we were able to learn about life in an Anglo Saxon Village and as our challenge, we used our prior knowledge to compare the accommodation and architecture to that of the Romans.

Cross- Curricular links with Geography


During our History topic of the Anglo- Saxons, the children drew a map of the UK and Northern Europe to show the journey the invaders took to reach our shores. It also helped to explain the different cultural influences between the tribes and how the Anglo-Saxon culture is still present in Britain today!


Significant People: Anglo Saxon Kings


We had great fun discovering information about the Anglo-Saxon kings, explaining key aspects of their reign and devising our own question for a professional historian relating to legacy of the Anglo-Saxon kings.


Thomas: "We discussed whether or not we believe King Alfred should of been titled 'King Alfred the Great'."



Major Figure- Guthrum 


This afternoon, Year 5 created a factual account of Guthrum, King of the Vikings. We explored what he was famous for, his successes in battle and the impact of these battles including Danelaw. 

Religion in Viking Times


Today, Year 5 explored religion in the Viking times and we used our understanding to create a poster about our favourite gods/goddesses whilst explaining their key characteristics. We also researched 'golden nugget' facts about them in order to develop our understanding. 

Year 5 Mastery- Comparing the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings 


Today, Year 5 completed their final History lesson of the year. In order to really display what they had learnt over the course of the year, they created an extended piece of writing comparing their first topic of the year (the Anglo-Saxons) and their final topic (the Vikings). This was an opportunity for Year 5 to utilise all of their learning in a new way by examining both time periods and making links between them as well as comparing these times to their own lives.