19/09/2018 - Where does the Ancient Greek period fit in with world history?
Where does the Ancient Greek period fit in with world history?
Today we used our prior knowledge of world history in addition to the topics we have studied during our time at SFDS to create a human timeline. We discussed the time period that the images showed and then placed them into chronological order starting with the earliest period and finishing with the most recent. We then placed dates on the images, remembering that a smaller BCE date (i.e. 13BCE) is closer chronologically to the modern day.
Next, we looked at a range of secondary sources from the different periods and placed them on the timeline too. We gave reasons for our choices by explaining what we thought the item may have been used for and compared the objects to items that we may use today. Some of us enjoyed reading replica World War One letters; others examined some Egyptian hieroglyphics!
Keep an eye out for some more archaeological digs next week!