09/10/2017 - SC1 Investigation
SC1 Investigation
“Does the voltage affect the light intensity?”
This week, as part of our electricity topic, Year 6 have been investigating how the voltage of a battery affects the light intensity of the bulb. As a class, we planned our investigation by identifying the variables and making our prediction. Then, we set out the method we would follow and gathered all the equipment we would need. During the investigation, we used 4 different voltages of batteries and used an Ipad with a lux camera on to measure the light intensity of the bulb each time. Each team collected a set of results and used these results to produce a graph so they could analyse their findings and come up with a conclusion.
Excellent work from all the scientists who demonstrated fair-testing and team work skills.
Next, we will be going on to learn about other components that can be used in circuits and about the famous Thomas Edison who created the electric light bulb.