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St. Francis de Sales Catholic Junior School

Non Excidet

06/04/2017 - Year 3 at the Easter Egg Raffle

It's that time of the school year again, our annual Easter Egg Raffle!


As usual, our school councillors have been working very hard to sell tickets for the event, and as usual, Year 3 were very excited to win!


The raffle draw began with Mrs Ainscough telling us all about why we have Easter Eggs and why we celebrate Easter. It is all to represent the sacrifice Jesus made and the miracle of his resurrection.


After this, the exciting part began. Mr Reidel and Mrs Ainscough drew the tickets and we all waited with baited breath to see who the winner was. Especially for the final prize of the hamper of eggs!


We all had a great time and even though some of us were sad not to win, we know that our School Council will put all the money raised towards a charity so it can help those less fortunate than ourselves.


Bring on the Egg Competition tomorrow!!