01/05/2019- PGL!
Year 3 had a brilliant time during their outdoor adventure to PGL! For many of the children, this was their first trip away from home and they really grew in independence. Teachers commented on the impeccable behaviour of the children over the 3 days, which is something the children in year 3 should be very proud of.
Through activities such as rock climbing and orienteering, the children developed skills of teamwork, resilience and perseverance and it was brilliant to see. Despite the drizzly weather, all children were fully involved in the activities and determined to try their best.
Highlights from the weekend included the giant swing aswell as the tasty PGL breakfast, which was fit for a King!
I was really scared of abseiling but I knew deep down that I could do it. In the end, it was the best experience because I overcame my fear!
–Honor Dann
On the way to all the activities, we sang songs in our team. I loved learning fun, new songs as they got me excited for the activities.
– Ella Garry