01/03/2018: World Book Day 2018
World Book Day - 2018
World Book Day is here! What a celebration it has been. We have celebrated authors, illustrators, books and, of course, reading. This is the 21st celebration of the event and our children have fully engaged with this year's Picture Book theme.
In Year 6, our focus was Shaun Tan's 'The Arrival': an extraordinary, iconic and multi-award winning modern classic, telling the story of a travelller, during his journey into the unknown. 'The Arrival' was a magnificent choice for us to enjoy this year. It is a timely story of hope and persistence: deeply moving and, at the same time, infused with quiet joy. The children have relished picking apart the images in the book and have used it to have engaging discussions, complete verbal comprehensions, produce silent performances and write their own diary entries.
Of course, there were the usual WBD activities that took place in the afternoon, but the highlight (for everyone!) was the awarding of the renowned 'We Are Writers' books! This is the last year that the Year 6 children will get a chance to contribute to the book, and they should be full of pride, as they become published authors for a THIRD time. Who knows, perhaps we may have a few authors among this years cohort, who will go on to pen their own books in the years to come.
Happy World Book Day!